Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cranberry Cruiser-Mother Neff SP

I recieved word from a reliable source in January that Mother Neff SP was still closed due to the flooding from last summer. This most likely meant that my Cranberry Cruiser LB was lost for all of eternity. When I drove up I35 on my way home last week, I noticed the sign on the interstate said MOTHER NEFF PARK-OPEN FOR DAY USE ONLY. I really wanted to go check and see if there was a chance my box may have survived, but I didn't have the clues...and ...after driving and dealing with Bob in Temple, I was ready to get home. So, I just had to pass it by.
However, I got a status report yesterday saying that a letterboxer had stamped into my box! I'm guessing the box is in good shape, and still alive and well. Somehow, it survived the flood and is still parked in Coryell County.

1 comment:

Laura said...


I was sure that box was a goner. I'm glad they're getting Texas' first state park back open--it's beautiful.

Love reading your adventures!
