Monday, February 25, 2008


I've been racking my brains for the past couple of months over what I will carve for the Texas Treasures Letterboxing Event. Last year, I got sudden inspiration for my FRAGRANT FLOWER LB while watching cartoons with my nephews. For this year's box, however, I got an idea by listening to a piece of music by the late great P.D.Q. Bach. If you've never heard any of P.D.Q. Bach's music (or his alter ego...Peter Schickele), I highly recommend it. Anyhow, I'm planning on carving a VERY SIMPLE version of Oedipus Tex to plant in Bastrop. Will it be one of the great carvings of all time? NO WAY! But, I hope people will enjoy my tribute to PDQ and Mr. Oedipus Tex. to see if I can make this stamp!

Happy Trails!