Monday, June 01, 2009

Terrell Again

I noticed last week that Black Widow put out a new, seasonal box in Terrell. It is called HAM'S ORCHARD and is on the grounds of said orchard. On Saturday morning, I made my way to Terrell and found Hwy 80, which led me to the orchard. It was great! I went into the air conditioned market area and was in dream land. I'm not really a cook (boy, that's the understatement of the year), but I appreciate fresh produce and products made from it. I bought a few items, then headed out to find the box. The stamp is a lovely carve and I'm glad Black Widow brought me here. I might just have to go back!

After leaving the orchard with my purchases and my new stamp image, I headed toward Ben Gill Park to find a few boxes there. I looked for a couple of boxes by Frogkisses, but could not find them. Finally, I went to the rail car and found BUILD YOUR OWN TRAIN PART #2.

I had a great day of boxing....and Terrell!

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