Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Potpourri of Thoughts

Firstly, I'd like to say a special THANK YOU to Wyvern of Potsdam, NY. I sent her a stamp for her Drive In/Drive Thru/Drive By event and got a very special present in the mail this week for my participation. Letterboxers are some of the most thoughtful people!
In other news, I've gotten a new idea for a personal traveller. From the beginning of my LBing career, I made a personal decision to have only one PT at a time, so if I am able to make this new traveller work, then RAMONA QUIMBY will be retired. She's had a good run, and I've had a lot of fun with her. I hope some of you enjoyed her, too. Anyhow, the new PT that I have in mind will have something to do with one of my favorite TV shows, THE OFFICE.
Completely off topic from letterboxing, I've been able to sleep at my own convenience for the past few weeks. Tonight, however, I will be forced to set the alarm and get up at a decent hour and report to work. No more late night movies. No more late night AQ surfing. Just me, watching the backs of my eyelids. I guess I have to pay for all these LBing trips somehow!
Happy Trails!

1 comment:

Mark said...

I look forward to the new personal traveler. And good luck with starting work again.