Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Independence Day

Today, Americans celebrated their independence from outside governments. It is marked by people who take the day off from work and barbecue, go to the local lake or beach, attend outdoor concerts, and of course, watch fireworks. After it'd gotten dark this evening, I went outside on my small "balcony" hoping I could see the downtown fireworks display. The paper said the festivities would begin at "dark-thirty" (only in Texas, I'm guessing, would that be an acceptable time for anything to start). After I realized it'd been dark for a while, I prepared for myself a cold coffee beverage, took my chair outside and waited. It was good to get away from the radio, tv, computer, and the list of things that I should be doing and just breathe for a little while.

When the clock struck dark-thirty, the firworks began. As I sat there and watched the display, my mind went to Independence Days past.

When we were younger, we spent a few July 4th's at our aunt and uncle's house. They have a clear view of the fireworks display in their city. I would guess we spent four or five July 4th's there with them.

When I was in Junior College, I worked at a local grocery store. As you can guess, grocery stores are DEAD after dark on Independence Day. I spent my first July 4 as my first day in the cash office--which is a lot more than just cashing checks! I didn't get out of work that night until 1:00 a.m. or so--the manager wasn't too thrilled. The next year, I was a bit more experienced, so when the store lost all its customers to the fireworks, I got to go outside with everyone else and watch the fireworks until it was time to close up shop.

I spent two Independence days with my friend Sara, who lives in New Hampshire. I'd told her one time that it was my dream to go see Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops on July 4. She invited me to come to her house....she lives about an hour from Boston...and we'd make the trip! I spent a week with her both times and we had a great deal of fun both times. After the concert was over, we hurried to catch a train back to the parking garage instead of staying for the fireworks. In 2003 when we did this, we happen to be riding over the Charles River while the fireworks were still was a beautiful scene with the colors reflecting off the water and the boats.

Last year, I didn't do anything special on July 4, but I did go boxing over the holiday weekend. Blue Butterfly and I, escorted by PS Guru, went to Martin Dies Jr. State Park and collected a few images there. This park was heavily damaged by Rita last fall, and I believe some parts of it are still closed.

Now, on July 4, 2006, the fireworks are over...the reminiscing is over....and the blogging is almost finished up. On this Independence Day, I'm appreciative of being able to have the freedom of following my dreams.....all of matter how grand or small they may be.

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