Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back in the Saddle

I was able to get out and do a little boxing yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. As you may recall, I moved to a new home in the middle of July, so I haven't been out in the "boxing ring" lately. However, yesterday, Blue Butterfly and Roarin' Lion came out to visit me. They found a couple of boxes here in the area, then BB planted one close to my home. RL and I played on the nearby playground while she did the hiding, then we sought out her treasure afterwards. This new box is called Pitch In! This one will be a nice one to take younger boxers to find since the playground is very near it.

BB also planted one in another town in Navarro County called Go Bobcats! I hope to find this one later in the week.

As I was getting caught up on my e-mails this morning, I discovered that a few people of stamped into some of my boxes...including Click & Clack and Just Duck-y. It's always exciting to hear that someone out there is finding your boxes!

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