Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gibraltar of the Confederacy

Blue Butterfly and I started letterboxing after she saw a piece about it on the CBS Morning Show. We were very curious and excited about the prospect of finding these little plastic boxes with their treasures of stamps inside. In June of 2005, we were in Vicksburg, MS on family business and we took along a clue to a local LB in the hopes that we might have time to find our first LB.

On our way out of Vicksburg that evening, we decided to take on the challenge even though we were physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. We stopped at the river side park, enjoyed the beautiful view of the river and the setting sun, and set out to decipher the clues.

We read and discussed, and finally got up the nerve to go through the bushes to this box. We were so excited to find it that all of our previous exhaustion went away for the next few minutes. Not only was this OUR first find, but we were the first finders of this box. The excitement of seeing that first hand-carved stamp was incredible. We stamped in, left our mark, and took the image of Gibraltar of the Confederacy with us.

Now we are hooked. Every time either of us are going out of town, the first thing on our agenda is to see if there are any letterboxes in the area. So far, I have collected over 40 stamps, and I hope to see that number grow. I enjoy finding them whether they are hikes, drive-bys, hand carved, or manufactured stamps. The thrill of the hunt and the feeling of victory as I decipher the clues and enjoy the treasure I've discovered is well worth it.

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