Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Hmmm......What would YOU take?

Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to evacuate your home. Perhaps it is due to a flood, hurricane, wildfire, or other natural disaster headed your direction and you have time to grab things. You are given the instructions....Just get what you'll mainly need.......

What I mainly need????

Of course...after I threw a random combination of clothes into a suitcase and put the cats in their carriers, I grabbed what I MAINLY NEED for what I MAINLY DO. :-)

*For those of you who are wondering, we had to evacuate our home for a while on Tuesday, but we were able to return on Tuesday evening. Lucky for us, no damage was done to the property.


Mama Cache said...

Glad you have those priorities straight, girl. ;-)

~~~~~ said...

Yep... I agree!

Ari C'rona said...

So glad everything's alright!