Monday, December 24, 2007

Weekend Before Christmas

On December 22, Blue Butterfly and I arose quite early and made our way to the Houston area to find some letterboxes. We started out by finding a few WOM boxes....boy were these boxes fun to find! We had such a great time trekking through the woods to find these fabulous boxes....special thanks to the secret friends who shared their clues with us!

After we finished those boxes, we headed to Mercer Arboretum. We'd been there for the Candyland event last year, but there were still a couple of boxes we'd not found. We started off by finding Mercer Monarch by Silver Eagle. We enjoyed looking through this historic logbook...especially when we found Mother of Four's signature stamp! After replacing the butterfly, we headed off to find Elmer by Baby Bear. The stamp in this box is broken, but you can easily get a good image from this little guy. After wrapping things up at Mercer, we headed west to Kleb Woods.

We got to Kleb Woods, and finally figured out that there are two very different parts to Kleb Woods, so we hopped back in the car and headed to the other entrance. By now, it was pushing four o'clock and we knew we didn't have a whole lot of daylight left. We found Mother of Five's Build a Nativity: Mary and saw that some fellow letterboxers had been there that very day! How did we miss them? By the time we stamped in, we decided we better go ahead and hide our own boxes, then trade clues. After hiding and finding the new boxes, we headed to our hotel for a long winter's nap.

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